jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Beatriz Prada
                           IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE                          

Is there anything impossible for me? Ask your God who created you. He wove you in your mother's womb and had thought of you before your conception. There is absolutely nothing far before my power, from the beginning I have shown. What your circumstances are adverse and giants are huge? I'm bigger than anything I want cluttering your life and steal your peace. I turned to Abraham what I promised and Sara despite his old age could conceive. Ana cried to me distraught and desperate. Tired of so much derision and oppression came to me in prayer and found the answer, opened her womb. Elijah was desperate in the wilderness, hidden in the cave, thinking he was going to die, he was away and feeling depressed. But I visited him where he was, I fed him, fed them and granted it new breath. The blind man cried out to me was loudly for me my pity on him, I heard it, I attended, his eyes widened, his miracle received. A woman with blood flow, tired, dying, but still persistent, touched the hem of my garment and also healing received salvation. They had oppressed and demonized for it seemed that freedom does not come, however, Jehovah I have always been, the free of your chains. Food was scarce at home of the widow, but as she obeyed my command, was the food. I divided the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass, fed crowds when it seemed that there was nothing. Am I God, who knows everything. I went unto the house of Zacchaeus to have a conversation that would mark his life. To others he did not need anything, but in his heart he longed for me. In the past I did, but at present I still do. And even if you do not understand or see it, I'm working. Things will come in due time, just have faith, still waiting. He is very patient and see the miracle in your life. I have to say, but I wanted to remember. So you know I am your God who takes hold, fear not, for I help you. The answer will come, just wait calmly Do not forget that I love you and would never have abandoned the work of my hands.

spanish sounds words
Words I know
Verb to be
Past participe
Simple past

Simple present

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