jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015



Poverty strikes the towns of Santa Fe and Chapinero

Thepays daily, neglect of elderly and prostitution  are the three factors.
Official figures of Human Bogotá on the results of the reduction of poverty and informality in the towns of Santa Fe and Chapinero are not favorable.
The 'apparent poverty' and 'hidden poverty' hit the reality of many inhabitants of these territories.
The pays daily or drip-a form of debt and to pay day to day, 'the conditions in which prostitution takes place and the lack of a pension for those over 60, are, according to the Secretary of District Planning, Gerardo Ardila, the three factors that have increased poverty in these localities.
Those people are not located, are not identified, much less receive the social benefits offered by the state. The situation is serious because the assistance programs are not aimed at them.
When compared to other locations and to check the map of the temperature, these  two territories are with 'negative balance'.
In Chapinero he increased the critical overcrowding and economic dependence.
The official newsletter of the Multipurpose Survey shows an increase in poverty by unsatisfied basic needs (NBI), from 1.3 percent of poor House holds in 2011 to 2.4 percent in 2014.

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Reynel Olaya

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